Thursday, February 9, 2012

rest and sleep questions

•Compared to the sleep habits of young adults, elderly adults need:
To take naps more often

Rationale: The elderly often have trouble sleeping in the night due to illness, stress and more. This requires them to take a nap or two throughout the day to re-energize them for activities.

•Your patient rings her call light at midnight and tells you that she is having trouble sleeping. You should:
Notify the nurse

Rationale: Many patients have prescriptions or standing orders for a sleeping pill if they have difficulty sleeping. The nurse should be notified right away so the patient can be medicated and it can take effect.

•The following is something a nursing assistant can do to help a patient fall asleep:
Give a backrub

Rationale: A backrub is a simple task that a nursing assistant can do to help a patient fall asleep. Do not threaten the patient about getting up early. If the backrub doesn't work, a nurse can give the patient a sleeping pill but passing medications is out of the nursing assistant's scope of practice.

•You are assigned to a patient that just had hip surgery. They ring their call light because they can't sleep and you know that this could be because:
They could be in pain from the surgery

Rationale: New post-op patients often have trouble resting and sleeping because they are in pain. Notify the nurse that the patient is having trouble sleeping and she may be able to treat the pain with medication. If that is unsuccessful, a sleeping pill may help.

•The recommended number of hours of sleep an adult should get each night is:
8 hours

Rationale: On average, adults should have 8 hours of sleep at night to keep their bodies healthy and their minds functioning properly. Children may need up to 11 hours of sleep, and infants will sleep about 16 hours a day.

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