Friday, September 2, 2016


Dear Claudia, Carol, and all the ccCNA staff,
I just wanted to say thank you for the excellent training I received in June during the CNA class! I had no trouble passing the state certification tests (I got a 94% on the written). Also, I remember asking Claudia at the start of class if hospitals would hire CNA's with no prior experience... Apparently, in my case, the answer is yes! I just accepted a position at the University of Utah in Acute Internal Medicine. I was offered the job immediately after my interview and I start full time (3 days a week) on Monday!
I'm looking forward to learning on the job while I'm in nursing school.
I just thought I would share this with you so if you get other students wondering the same question you can tell them it does happen.
Thanks again for a fun class that prepared me to pass the state exam! I'm excited for my new career!
Megan Furman

1 comment:

  1. Hello every one.
    I'm from US-Dallas. I'm am so excited am a Complete woman Again, I Was Infected With Herpes virus since 3 Years now I am devastated and am finding it hard to cope i was emotionally down I Have Been Seriously Praying To God And Searching For Cure.So as I was browsing through the Internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr. IyaryI can help cure any type of virus like Herpes, Hiv/Aids cancer and Asthma…e.t.c And I Contacted Him, He Sent Me A Medicine And Directed Me On How I Will Take The Medicine For 21 Days, I Did So And Went For A Test And My Result Came Out As Negative. I Am So Happy, I Shared Tears Of Happiness And I Have Taken It Upon My Self To Always Testify About How God Used Dr. IyaryI To Solve My Problem. I Am A Clean woman Now, Without Any Virus If You Are Infected With Any Disease Like HIV AIDS, CANCER ,HERPES Or Any Other Disease You Can Also Be Happy Like Me By Contacting Dr. Iyaryi Through His Email And also Reach him on WhatsApp Number: +2349057915709 Thanks Dr. Iyaryi
